I’m writing a Chrome extension / userscript to add a little usability to a third-party site. The page that the extension is made for has a few elements that have `click` event listeners attached (per-element, no bubbling) via `addEventListener` (the `onclick` and other properties are empty). My extension clones (`cloneNode`) one of the elements and appends it to the list.
For example with this,
<div id="list">
<div id="d1">A</div>
<div id="d2">B</div>
<div id="d3">C</div>
my extension would add a D element.
Extending the list works fine, but when the original nodes are clicked, they perform the expected action, while clicking the new one does nothing.
Test 1
I examined the event listeners of the elements in Chrome’s Developer Tools and tried copying the anonymous function to my new elements with `addEventListener` (making sure to duplicate the parameters), but that did not work. It did perform some of the expected actions, but not all of them.
Test 2
I tried anfilat’s suggestion of using the trick from [this question][1]. I inserted a `script` block that then called `addEventHanlder` for the new node, and it did indeed have the new handler (with a `sourceName` referring to the site—the page, not the `.JS` file—instead of the extension), however it still threw a variable not found error.
I suspect that it is a domain issue because the click-handler calls a function in an external `.JS` as referenced in the `sourceName` and `lineNumber` of the event listener as seen below. Note that the `listenerBody` is identical, but the sources differ.
Is there a way to access, copy, or clone the handlers of an element and/or edit the `lineNumber` and `sourceName`?
Appendix A: Diagrams
Figure 1: Handlers of original elements referring to a .JS
on the site (with slight filename edits):
Figure 2: Handlers of new elements referring to the extension:
I wrote the small working test.
Crome extension inject script:
var myScriptElement = document.createElement('script');
myScriptElement.innerHTML =
'b=document.getElementById("button");' +
'c=b.cloneNode(true);' +
'b.parentElement.appendChild(c);' +
'c.addEventListener("click", function(e){foo("from new button")}, false);';
test html:
<script type='text/javascript' src='test.js'></script>
<button id='button'>test</button>
document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
foo('from page');
}, false);
and test.js:
function foo(text) {