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transform pmc-id -> pmid

Is it possible to transform pmc-ids (pubmed central ids) to pmids (pubmed ids) via a ncbi api? You can do it via the web form but I would like to use a program - of course I can always write a screen scraper ... thanks


  • You can convert pubmed central ids to pubmed ids with EFetch, from the NCBI Entrez Programming Utilities (E-utilities). It is possible to use EFetch from any programming language that can read data from HTTP and parse XML.

    For example, if one of the articles in your list is:

    Wang TT, et al. J Biol Chem. 2010 Jan 22;285(4):2227-31.
    PubMed PMID: 19948723 PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2807280

    You can get an XML document from the following EFetch url:


    The XML document contains the PubMed ID:

                <article-id pub-id-type="pmc">2807280</article-id>
                <article-id pub-id-type="pmid">19948723</article-id>

    One way to convert a pmcid to a pmid in perl is:

    # -- convert a pubmed central id to a pubmed id with EFetch 
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use LWP::UserAgent;    # send request to
    use XML::Smart;        # parse response
    # check parameter
    my ($id) = @ARGV;
    if ( not(defined($id))  ) { 
        print STDERR "must provide a pmcid as 1st parameter...\n";  
    $id =~ s/PMC//;
    sleep(3);  #  recommended delay between queries
    # build & send efetch query
    my $efetch= "";
    my $efetch_query = "db=pmc&id=$id&rettype=medline&retmode=xml";
    my $url = $efetch.$efetch_query;
    my $xml  = XML::Smart->new($url);
    ##print $xml->dump_tree(),"\n";
    # parse the response
    $xml = $xml->{'pmc-articleset'}->{'article'}->{'front'}{'article-meta'};
    my $pmid   = $xml->{'article-id'}('pub-id-type','eq','pmid')->content; 
    print STDOUT "PMID = $pmid";

    >perl PMC2807280
    PMID = 19948723