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How to make a label scroll a word back and forth?

I came up with the idea of making a label scroll a word to one side and then change the word and scroll back to the other like so

   "ping           "
   " ping          "
   "  ping         "
   "   ping        "
   "    ping       "
   "     ping      "
   "      ping     "
   "       ping    "
   "        ping   "
   "         ping  "
   "          ping "
   "           ping"
   "           pong"
   "          pong "
   "         pong  "
   "        pong   "
   "       pong    "
   "      pong     "
   "     pong      "
   "    pong       "
   "   pong        "
   "  pong         "
   " pong          "
   "pong           "

I want it to do ^^ only in a constant loop but I don't know how I would even get started doing that I would REALLY appreciate it if someone could help me with this. The max length of the text has to be 15 characters.

I don't care if it is smooth scrolling.

I want it to be a Winforms application and use .Net framework 4.0.


  • Make a for-loop that runs from 0 to 11 (15 - length of "ping"). With new String(' ', i) you can create a string that is i spaces long. Then set the Text of your label to this space string concatenated with the word "ping".

    Now you can make another loop, running from 11 down to 0 doing the same but with the word "pong".

    If you enclose both loops in an endless loop (while (true) { ... }) this will run indefinitely.

    You also might want to add a pause each time after you set the label text with Thread.Sleep(200). Where you specify the time is in milliseconds.

    EDIT (since it is not homework):

    Go to the events tab in the properties window and add a Shown event handler

    private void frmMarquee_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
        while (true) {
            for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++) {
                label1.Text = new String(' ', i) + "ping";
            for (int i = 11; i >= 0; i--) {
                label1.Text = new String(' ', i) + "pong";

    Note, this solution is not perfect, as the form will not close properly. You will have to abort the program. A solution using a timer will work smoother and the form will behave as expected when closing, however this is a straightforward and simple solution.