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How do I change position of a help popup window in Delphi?

I have the code below which now shows a standard windows help popup where available. Does anyone know if there is a way of positioning where this window appears? For example, to make it appear where the user has clicked?

function HelpPopupWindow(Command: Word; Data: Integer; var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean;
  dwIDs: array[0..3] of DWord;
  dwIDs[0] := Handle;
  dwIDs[1] := Data;
  dwIDs[2] := 0;
  dwIDs[3] := 0;

  HtmlHelp(Handle, PChar('HELP FILE LOCATION HERE::/cshelp.txt'), HH_TP_HELP_CONTEXTMENU, DWORD(@dwIDs[0]));

  CallHelp := False;




  • You should use HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP to display the popup help. This gives you more flexibility through the HH_POPUP structure that you pass. Use the pt field to specify the position:

    Specifies (in pixels) where the top center of the pop-up window should be located.

    The Helpware site gives some sample Delphi code:

    {Show HH Popup using a string (StringID) from text file in a CHM
    StringID: eg. 99; CHMTextFile: eg. _runDir + 'help.chm::/cshelp.txt'}
    function HH_ShowPopupHelp3(aParent: TForm; StringID: Integer; 
      CHMTextFile: String; XYPos: TPoint): HWND;
    var hhpopup: HH.THHPopup;
      with hhpopup do
        cbStruct := sizeof(hhpopup); //sizeof this structure
        hinst := 0; //no used 
        idString := StringID; //topic number in a text file.
        pszText := nil; //no used
        pt := XYPos; //top center of popup
        clrForeground := COLORREF(-1); //use -1 for default - RGB value
        clrBackground := COLORREF(-1); //use -1 for default - RGB value
        rcMargins := Rect(-1,-1,-1,-1);//amount of space between edges
        pszFont := ''; 
      Result := HtmlHelp(aParent.Handle, PChar(CHMTextFile), 
      HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP, DWORD(@hhpopup));

    In fact I think you already found this page judging by your code, but just needed to read a bit further down the page.