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LNK2019 error, unresolved external symbol

The error verbatim reads

1>yes.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl availableMoves(int *     const,int (* const)[4],int)" (?availableMoves@@YAHQAHQAY03HH@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl solveGame(int * const,int (* const)[4])" (?solveGame@@YAXQAHQAY03H@Z)

I've never seen this error before. Here are the two functions I believe it's referring to though.

int availableMoves(int a[15], int b[36][3],int openSpace){
    int count=0;
    for(int i=0; i<36;i++){
        if(i < 36 && b[i][2] == openSpace && isPeg(b[i][0],a) && isPeg(b[i][1],a) ){
    return count;


void solveGame(int a[15], int b[36][4]) {
    int empSpace;
    int movesLeft;
    if(pegCount(a) < 2) {
        cout<<"game over"<<endl;
    } else {
        empSpace = findEmpty(a);
        if(movesLeft = availableMoves(a,b,empSpace) < 1 ) {
            temp[index] = empSpace;
            c[d][0] = 0;
            c[d][1] = 0;
            c[d][2] = 0;
            c[d][3] = 0;
            a[b[c[d][3]][0]] = 1;
            a[b[c[d][3]][0]] = 1;
            a[b[c[d][3]][0]] = 0;
            b[c[d][3]][3] = 0;
        } else if(movesLeft >= 1) {
            chooseMove( a, b, empSpace);
            index = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
                temp[i] = -1;
        solveGame( a, b);


  • Your current declaration doesn't match the definition.

    You probably have declared the function availableMoves() before you use it, but then you implement a different function:

    int availableMoves(int* const a, int (* const)[4] , int);
    //code that uses available moves
    int availableMoves(int a[15], int b[36][3],int openSpace)

    Since the compiler sees that declaration first, it will use it to resolve the call in the block of code. However, that function is not exported, as it has a different signature.