I have taken the backup of my live portal and I want to upgrade it to newer version in localhost and then move the upgraded version to my live site.
I followed the steps in the link http://www.liferay.com/community/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Upgrade+Instructions+from+5.2+to+6.0. and my stpes are :
1) I have setup the new liferay 6.0 on my localhost (successful installation of liferay 6.0 with inbuilt Hypersonic database )
2) I have imported MySql database of live system to the local MySql Server.
3) After stopping the tomcat server, I have changed the configuration file portal-ext.properties for the MySql database details.
4) Then, I have started the start.bat file. It is showing upgrade process well but after few minutes window is closed
Can anyone help me in this regard where I have done some mistake or am I missing something during the upgration. If anyone has some idea then please share their steps.
Thanks in advance
You don't mention that you also copy your document library / image gallery folder to the new installation. This typically (unless configured otherwise) sits in your "data" folder. Just importing the MySql database isn't enough, as it contains only the metadata for doclib & image gallery.
You'll have to take this into account for backups also - ideally you'd read about backup and set up a second 5.2.3 instance (and make sure it runs) from your backup, then start upgrading. I typically forbid to call something a backup if nobody ever demonstrated, that they can use it to successfully restore in a completely new environment. This is your chance to ultimately test your backup procedure.