For example, if I have a custom tag like <cf_AppSwitch action="Check">
my assumption would be something like AppSwitch(action="Check")
, but I am not certain CF can resolve that as a custom tag.
The other solution I can think of would be to write a wrapper function and call my custom tag, but that feels redundant.
It seems like I am oversimplifying a much more complex problem, so any insight would be appreciated (even as to why this is not/should not be supported).
Assuming you are using Adobe CF, unfortunately the answer is no. You have to write a wrapper function that is CFML-based. For example:
<cffunction name="myCustomTag">
<cfset var returnVal = "">
<cfsavecontent variable="returnVal"><cf_myCustomTag attributeCollection=arguments></cfsavecontent>
<cfreturn returnVal>
Now, if you are using Railo, you could use the cfscript equivalent to the <cfmodule>
module name="myCustomTag";