I want to convert an java string containing xml to a w3c dom document object.
I first searched all over the place and came up with some good examples here on stackoverflow. But sadly I can get them working!
Apperently my code is not working 100%.
It seems like it parses the string but there are no values in the nodes. This is what I got so far!
Document newDoc = null;
InputSource is = new InputSource();
is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(TestFiles.RSS_FEED_FILE_2));
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = null;
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
newDoc = builder.parse(is);
When I do a sysout afterwards like this:
I got null as output while using this sysout:
I got as output: [channel: null]
So I have an object else it would throw some null pointer exceptions but it doesn't contain any values inside ?!
The content of the constant is this :
public final static String RSS_FEED_FILE_2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
"<rss version=\"2.0\">\n" +
"<channel>\n" +
"<title>sunday</title>\n" +
"<link>http://www.google.nl</link>\n" +
"<pubDate>2012-02-05 20:58</pubDate>\n" +
"<lastBuildDate>2012-02-08 09:48</lastBuildDate>\n" +
"<description>blabla </description>\n" +
"<item>\n" +
"<title><![CDATA[title]]></title>\n" +
"<link><![CDATA[http://www.google.nl]]></link>\n" +
"<guid><![CDATA[2266610]]></guid>\n" +
"<source><![CDATA[sunday]]></source>\n" +
"<author><![CDATA[me]]></author>\n" +
"<description><![CDATA[blalbalavblabllllll!]]></description>\n" +
"</item>\n" +
"</channel>\n" +
Does anybody have a solution or a hint?
This is quite a common gotcha. The behaviour of getNodeValue()
depends on the subclass of Node. In the case of an Element
, getNodeValue()
will always return null
(see the table in the Node
javadoc for behaviour of other subclasses).
Consider using getTextContent()
if you want to debug the XML document.