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Java + Swing: writing code to coalesce change events

I have this data flow, roughly:

DataGenerator -> DataFormatter -> UI

DataGenerator is something that generates data rapidly; DataFormatter is something that formats it for display purposes; and the UI is just a bunch of Swing elements.

I'd like to make my DataGenerator something like this:

class DataGenerator
   final private PropertyChangeSupport pcs;
   public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener pcl) {
   public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener pcl) {

and just call this.pcs.firePropertyChange(...) whenever my data generator has new data; then I can just do dataGenerator.addPropertyListener(listener) where listener is responsible for pushing the change forward to the DataFormatter and then to the UI.

The problem with this approach, is that there are thousands of dataGenerator changes per second (between 10,000 and 60,000 per second depending on my situation), and the computational cost of formatting it for the UI is high enough that it puts an unnecessary load on my CPU; really all I care about visually is at most 10-20 changes per second.

Is there any way to use a similar approach, but coalesce the change events before they get to the DataFormatter? If I receive multiple update events on a single topic, I just care about displaying the latest one, and can skip all the previous ones.


  • Two ideas:

    • Aggregate PropertyChangeEvents. Extend PropertyChangeSupport, overwrite public void firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt), fire only if last event was fired more than 50ms (or whatever time seems appropriate) ago. (In fact you should overwrite every fire* method or at least the one you use in your scenario to prevent the creation of the PropertyChangeEvent.)
    • Drop the whole event based approached. 60.000 events per second is a quite high number. In this situation I would poll. It is a conceptual change to MVP where the presenter knows if it is in active state and should poll. With this approach you don't generate thousands of useless events; you can even present the highest possible frames per second, no matter how much data there is. Or you can set the presenter to a fixed rate, let it sleep between refreshes for a certain time, or let it adapt to other circumstances (like CPU load).

    I would tend to the second approach.