I have a lot of messages, and raw HTML that I hard code in my javascript code, such as:
var subjectId = $(subject).attr('subjectId');
var subjectName = $(subject).attr('subjectName');
var html = "<table id='invitations' class='invitations' width='100%'><tbody>";
$(subject).find('group').each( function() {
var groupId = $(this).attr('groupId');
var groupName = $(this).attr('groupName');
var ownerId = $(this).attr('ownerId');
var owner = findStudentNameById( subjectId, ownerId );
html += "<tr>" +
"<td width='55px'><img src='images/gplg.png' /></td>" +
"<td>" + subjectId + " <span class='subjectName'>" + subjectName + '</span> <br /> ' + groupId +
" - <span class='group'>" + groupName + "</span><br /> Created By " + owner + "</td>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr>" +
"<td width='55px'></td>" +
"<td><img class='accept' src='images/accept.png' />" +
"<img class='decline' src='images/decline.png' /> " +
"</td>" +
html += "</tbody></table>";
return html;
or ...
$('#inviteform').submit( function (){
var invitesSent = false;
var html = '<h3>Invitations have been sent to the following people</h3><br /><ul>';
$('#inviteform').find('input:checkbox').each( function() {
if ( $(this).is(':checked')){
html += '<li>+ <a href="#">' + $(this).val() +'</a></li>';
invitesSent = true;
html += '</ul>';
if ( !invitesSent ){
html = '<h3>You did not select any invitees, no invitations have been sent.</h3>';
$('#slogan').html('Congratulations! Your group is now complete. ').fadeIn(2000);
return false;
This is because I have a 2 main areas of the page (i.e title div, and content div), which I need to change the contents of on the fly. Unfortunately I cant separate this content into different files.
So, is there a best practices behind creating the text and DOM elements for these divs instead of hard coding so much stuff.
Im looking for the most elegant solution, so I don't have so much hard coding.
The way it encourages you to hardcode HTML strings is one of my pet hates with jQuery.
I generally just end up using the standard Javascript : document.createElement('TD')
If you are creating a lot of nodes of the same type it's best/faster to cache them and use cloneNode(true)
to create the new nodes:
var nodeCache;
nodeCache.td = document.createElement('TD')
var newTD = nodeCache.td.cloneNode(true);
I understand this isn't makeing much use of jQuery but I think jQuery's way of handling this is inelegant.