Following String causes PatternSyntaxException
I want to create a pattern so that I can filter all files with the name in the following form: "*.*"
How can I do that?
To match all strings with a .
in the name, you do:
To break it down:
match any number of arbitrary character[.]
match a dot. (yes, \\.
works too).*
match any number of arbitrary characterDemo:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*[.].*");
System.out.println(p.matcher("hello.txt").matches()); // true
System.out.println(p.matcher("hellotxt").matches()); // false
Note that the string with just one dot, "."
matches as well. To ensure that you have some characters in front and after the dot, you could change the *
to +
: .+[.].+
The reason you get PatternSyntaxException
The *
operator is to be interpreted as "the previous character repeated zero or more times". Since you started your expression with *
there was no character to repeat, thus an exception was thrown.