I am using tinyMCE editor plugin. It converts texareas into iframes and a toolbar appears at top of the text content. It is working perfectly.
Sometimes there are some videos above the content. So when I click textarea, the toolbar appears but video player above the content hides it behind itself.
Is there any way to change the z-index of the toolbar ? (Preferable) Or should I change the location of toolbar ???
Here is my code:
mode : "textareas",
editor_selector : "combo123",
theme : "advanced",
plugins : "save, paste, autoresize, asciimath, asciisvg",
theme_advanced_styles: "Foo=foo, Bar=bar",
content_css : "/css/tiny_mce.css"
You may also set the z-index right after initialization using the setup param
setup : function(ed) {