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MATLAB: Change font size of command window

I would like to temporarily change the font size of the text in the command window of MATLAB. I am running an experiment in which I am standing at the other side of the lab, and need to occasionally read a number from the screen. I don't want all the MATLAB output to be jumbo size forever - just this one variable when it occasionally comes up. I expect there must be some code that increases font size? I know I can adjust for example font colour using the following code:'ColorsText',;'ColorsText');

(The above changes the text in the command window to red). There must be similar code to set font size?

The ideal solution would be a parameter to add to the fprintf command, such that only the one bit of output is larger. However, I would accept a solution in which the entire output of the screen is made larger temporarily...

Any help appreciated.


  • What about displaying all output in a figure instead of the command line? You could place text-objects and define colors and font sizes.

    One way is the following: "File > Preferences > Fonts > Custom" and there set your font and size. But it's not accessible setting from the commandline itsel so you would have to set it manually and afterwards disable it.


    To pop out a figure and print out a certain variable is easy:

    foo = 100;
    uid = uicontrol('Style', 'text','String', ['FOO = ' num2str(foo)], 'FontSize', 80, 'ForegroundColor', 'b', 'Units','normalized','Position', [0 0 1 1]); 

    you could also specify the position and size of the figure window itself, if you want to. To close the figure later, just use:


    If you want to update the value of it, just use something like

    set(uid, 'String', 'New text')