I convert video from different formats to flv using xuggle MediaTool. For most of cases it works fine, but when I try an .avi
file encoded with msvideo1
, indeo3
or cinepark
, xuggler throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: could not find input codec id
on reader.readPacket()
I checked, that my ffmpeg supports msvideo decoding:
> ffmpeg -codecs
D V D msvideo1 Microsoft Video 1
D V D indeo3 Intel Indeo 3
D V D cinepak Cinepak
What is more, I'm able to convert files encoded with these codecs from the command line (usign ffmpeg).
What might be the reason for such behaviour?
I suppose it was a problem with an outdated xuggler build. Current build (xuggler 3.4) is was published about 2 years ago and xuggler development advanced during that time. The problem I was asking about was fixed after last release, here is a ticket related to this problem. I built xuggler from source and it resolved this problem.
(Btw. finally I migrated to execution of ffmpeg
because of pixel format problems.)