What is the equivalent Delphi code for the following in C:
int32 *P;
int32 c0, c1, i, t;
uint8 *X;
t = P[i], c0 = X[t], c1 = X[t + 1];
Frankly, the comma operator confuses me. Is the following wildly wrong?
var P: ^Int32; c0, c1, i, t: Int32; X: ^UInt8;
t:= P[i]; //<--?
c0:= X[t];
c1:= X[t+1];
t:= c1; //<--?
The comma operator in C has the lowest possible precedence. So your statement is equivalent to:
(t = P[i]), (c0 = X[t]), (c1 = X[t + 1]);
which is then evaluated from left to right. So it's equivalent to:
t = P[i];
c0 = X[t];
c1 = X[t + 1];
However, if you had done something like this:
z = (a = b, c = d);
then it would be equivalent to this:
a = b;
c = d;
z = c;
because the comma operator "returns" its final operand.
I should also point out that because each comma is a sequence point, stuff like this is well-defined:
i = i + 1, i++, --i;
where as this isn't:
i = i + i++ - --i;