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How do I compute a new basis (transformation matrix) from a 3D plane and known origin?

Given a 3D plane and an arbitrary point on it that I want to consider the origin (0,0,0) of a new basis, it is possible to: (A) define a basis from this information? And (B) create a transformation matrix that allows me to convert between world space and the new basis?

I can assume the transformation is affine.

Thanks very much!


  • The short answer is yes, but since you only have a plane the orientation of the new basis will be arbitrary.

    Lets say you have a point k that lies on the plane P and you want point k as your origin. You have P = (N, d) where N is the normalised plane normal and d is the distance to the plane from the origin.

    To determine an orthonormal basis with arbitrary orientation on this plane Define 3 vectors right R, up U and normal N

    We already have N which is nothing but the normal of the plane

    U = (0,1,0)
    // If U is pointing in almost the same direction as N, change it
    if (U.N > 0.7071) U = (0, 0, 1);
    R = normalise (U x N)
    U = normalise (N x R) // U was not orthonormal

    Now define a 3x3 transformation matrix M where the 3 rows of the matrix are R, U and N respectively.

    M = ( U )

    Now let us say you wanted to transform a point p to a point p' on your plane.

    p' = M ( p - k )

    If you want to do all this with one matrix you can combine M and the translation vector -k into a 4x4 homogeneous matrix. Notes:

    1. The .'s above are vector dot products
    2. The x's above are vector cross products
