I'm studying to implement a pendulum motion simulation.
void SinglePendulum::setPendulum(double dt) {
// Apply gravity
auto acc = acceleration;
Vec3<double> gravity(0.0, -9.8, 0.0); // x = 0.0, y = -9.8, z = 0.0
acc += gravity * inverseMass; // get accelation
velocity += acc * dt; // get velocity
velocity *= pow(dampingCoeff, dt); // apply damping
variablePosition += velocity * dt; // gravity-affected weight
// Vector from reference point to end point after being affected by gravity
variableVector = variablePosition - pivotPosition; // a Position - b Position : b->a vector
// The angle between the reference vector and the current vector
double angle;
angle = standardVector.Dot(variableVector); // dot product the reference vector and the variable vector
double standVecLength = standardVector.Length(); // magnitude of reference vector
double variaVecLength = variableVector.Length(); // magnitude of variable vector
double finalAngle = acos(angle / (standVecLength * variaVecLength)); // get angle
// Apply position with pendulum motion
changePos.Set(sin(finalAngle) * length, cos(finalAngle) * length, 0.0); // apply x, y, z value
As far as I know, It is understood that after gravity, the pendulum motion can be implemented using the angle between the reference straight vector and the changed vector.
So I apply gravity first, I then calculated the vector from the reference point to the point affected by gravity.
And I did dot product with the reference vector and the vector of the changed position.
And I calculated the magnitude of each vector, and I calculated the angle using magnitude value and theta value.
And the angle is sin on the x-axis and cos on the y-axis, which is the pendulum motion.
However, the following results were found.
I have no idea which part I missed. Is there anything else I should do?
I looked at this document and tried to modify the code, but it didn't work properly either.
Edited code
void SinglePendulum::setPendulum(double dt) {
// The angle between the reference vector and the current vector
double theta;
theta = standardVector.Dot(variableVector); // dot product the reference vector and the variable vector
double standVecLength = standardVector.Length(); // magnitude of reference vector
double variaVecLength = variableVector.Length(); // magnitude of variable vector
double angle = acos(theta / (standVecLength * variaVecLength)); // get angle
Vec3<double> gravity(0.0, -9.8, 0.0); // x = 0.0, y = -9.8, z = 0.0
Vec3<double> forceX;
Vec3<double> forceY;
forceX.SetX(-9.8 * sin(angle)); // x = -9.8 * sin(angle), y = 0.0, z = 0.0
forceY.SetY(-9.8 * cos(angle)); // x = 0.0, y = -9.8 * cos(angle), z = 0.0
// Apply gravity
auto acc = acceleration;
acc += gravity * inverseMass; // get accelation
acc += forceX;
acc += forceY;
velocity += acc * dt; // get velocity
velocity *= pow(dampingCoeff, dt); // apply damping
variablePosition += velocity * dt; // gravity-affected weight
// Vector from reference point to end point after being affected by gravity
variableVector = variablePosition - pivotPosition; // a Position - b Position : b->a vector
From mine point of view you are doing the sim wrongly ...
should be also vec3
(not seen in your code so not sure if it OK or not)acos
is not sign safe)This is how I see it should be (C++, GLSL like vector math):
vec3 p0; // fixed point of pendulum
float l; // pendulum length (from p0 to pos)
vec3 pos,vel; // ball state
float r; // ball radius
void pendulum_update(double dt)
vec3 acc,dir;
float v;
const float k=0.0001,g=9.81;
dt*=10.0; // time multiplier for simulation speed ...
// compute driving force/acceleration
acc=vec3(0.0,+g,0.0) // gravity
-vel*(k*length(vel)); // air friction
// remove radial part of acc
dir=pos-p0; dir/=l; // unit direction vector of pendulum
// Newton/d'Lambert simulation
// repair pos so its fixed distance to p0
dir=pos-p0; dir/=length(dir); // unit direction vector of pendulum
// repair vel so its perpendicular to pendulum
if (v>1e-6)
void pendulum_init(float xs,float ys) // init pendulm to screen with xs,ys dimensions
p0 =vec3(0.5*xs,0.5*ys,0.0);
I just slightly modified my Can't flip direction of ball without messing up gravity example to match yours.
Here preview:
[Edit1] double pendulum
Not sure if physically correct but I see it like this:
struct _ball // mass point
int ix; // (-2): fixed, (-1): free, (0,1,2...): joined to ball[ix] using l sized solid bond, no loops allowed!!!
float r,m,l; // ball radius [m], ball mass [Kg], joint size [m]
vec3 pos,vel,F; // ball state [m],[m/s],[N]
const int balls=3;
_ball ball[balls];
void pendulum_update(double dt)
const float k=0.001; // air friction coefficient should be function of object shape
int i,j;
float v;
vec3 dir,nor,F0,F1;
_ball *b,*b0,*b1;
vec3 g=vec3(0.0,+9.81,0.0); // local gravity field
dt*=10.0; // time multiplier for simulation speed ...
// clear forces
for (b=ball,i=0;i<balls;i++,b++) b->F=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
// compute driving force (F = m*acc) as gravity - air friction
for (b=ball,i=0;i<balls;i++,b++) if (b->ix!=-2) b->F=(b->m*g) - b->vel*(k*length(b->vel));
// apply bonds on F (in reverse order to avoid the need for recursion)
for (b0=ball+balls-1,i=0;i<balls;i++,b0--)
if (b0->ix>=0)
dir=normalize(b1->pos-b0->pos); // unit direction vector of bond
// remove radial part of acc
F0=dir*dot(dir,b0->F); // radial part of b0->F
F1=dir*dot(dir,b1->F); // radial part of b1->F
if (b0->ix!=-2){ b0->F+=F1-F0; }
if (b1->ix!=-2){ b1->F+=F0-F1; }
// Newton/d'Lambert simulation vel = Integral((F/m)*dt)
for (b=ball,i=0;i<balls;i++,b++) if (b->ix!=-2) b->vel+=(b->F/b->m)*dt;
// apply bonds on vel
for (b0=ball+balls-1,i=0;i<balls;i++,b0--)
if (b0->ix>=0)
dir=normalize(b1->pos-b0->pos); // unit direction vector of bond
// transfer all vel to axial direction
if (b0->ix!=-2)
if (v>1e-6)
if (length(nor)>1e-6) b0->vel=-v*normalize(nor);
// Newton/d'Lambert simulation pos = Integral(vel*dt)
for (b=ball,i=0;i<balls;i++,b++) if (b->ix!=2) b->pos+=b->vel*dt;
// apply bonds on pos
for (b0=ball+balls-1,i=0;i<balls;i++,b0--)
if (b0->ix>=0)
dir=normalize(b1->pos-b0->pos); // unit direction vector of bond
// repair b0 distance to b1
void pendulum_init(float xs,float ys) // init pendulm to screen with xs,ys dimensions
vec3 p,v=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
_ball *b=ball;
// init balls
b->ix=-2; b->m=0.5; b->r=0.015*xs; b->pos=p; b->vel=v; if (b->ix>=0) b->l=length(b->pos-ball[b->ix].pos); else b->l=0.0; b++; p.x+=0.15*xs;
b->ix= 0; b->m=0.5; b->r=0.020*xs; b->pos=p; b->vel=v; if (b->ix>=0) b->l=length(b->pos-ball[b->ix].pos); else b->l=0.0; b++; p.x+=0.15*xs;
b->ix= 1; b->m=0.5; b->r=0.020*xs; b->pos=p; b->vel=v; if (b->ix>=0) b->l=length(b->pos-ball[b->ix].pos); else b->l=0.0; b++;
I added mass m
and change acceleration acc
to force F
parameters on per ball manner. I also added bond as index to which ball current ball is connected...
Here preview:
So I just precompute all the F
... then transfer radial parts of F along bonds to joined ball ... and only then apply the integration.