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How to use Box with Java null values

I use a Java method that returns an object or null if a value was not found. So I need to check for null values:

val value = javaobject.findThing(xyz)
if(value != null) {
} else {
    warn("Value not found.")

Can I write this code shorter with the Box concept? I have read the Lift-Wiki-documentation about the Box concept, but I don't understand how to use it with Java null values.


  • @TimN is right, you could use Box(value) to create a Box from a possibly null value, but you'll get a deprecation warning.

    scala> val v: Thing = null
    v: Thing = null
    scala> Box[Thing](v)
    <console>:25: warning: method apply in trait BoxTrait is deprecated: Use legacyNullTest

    While you could use Box.legacyNullTest, if this is what you're doing, then I would just stick with the standard library and use Option.

    Option(javaobject.findThing(xyz)) match {
        case Some(thing) => thing.doAnotherThing()
        case _ => warn("Value not found.")

    And if you needed a Box to pass around, Option will automagically convert to a Box:

    scala> val b: Box[Thing] = Option(v)
    b: net.liftweb.common.Box[Thing] = Empty