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C# Winforms DatagridView - setting different Color of button for different row

EDIT: trying to excute the following code in Winforms.

I am fetching the data from xml & they are shown in the datagridview using custom class i have created.I have linked every column with DataPropertyName

I want to show datagridview textboxes, buttoncolumn , checkbox in datagrid like the following image.

enter image description here

I am using following event to change the color of the button i have added. For particular element, suppose i am binding dt to the single row of grid, then

// change the color of that button

i am using following code.

 private void Grid_DataBindingComplete(object sender, DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs e)
DataGridViewColumn dt = Grid.Columns[9]; // 9 is column no

            foreach (DataGridViewRow r in Grid.Rows)
                if (newList[r.Index].val.ToString() == "true") //some condition
                    r.DefaultCellStyle = red; // this turns compete row red

                   // add something here to make button red of this row 
                    r.DefaultCellStyle = green;
                   // add something here to make button red of this row 


  1. I am unable to change the color of particular cell button.
  2. How do i add checkboxes in last row, as i have already added DataGridViewCheckboxColumn but by default grid is not showing any column.


  • You would change the background color of a specific cell like this:

    r.Cells(9).Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red