Is it possible to animate a QGraphicsItem
in such a way that it would move along some path within QGraphicsScene
/ QGraphicsView
Something like this demo, where white point moves along gear - a closed curve.
If so, then how could it be done?
Found a solution here:
QGraphicsItem *ball = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, 20, 20);
QTimeLine *timer = new QTimeLine(5000);
timer->setFrameRange(0, 100);
QGraphicsItemAnimation *animation = new QGraphicsItemAnimation;
animation->setPosAt(0.f / 200.f, QPointF(0, 0));
animation->setPosAt(10.f / 200.f, QPointF(0, 30));
animation->setPosAt(20.f / 200.f, QPointF(20, 30));
animation->setPosAt(30.f / 200.f, QPointF(20, 20));
animation->setPosAt(40.f / 200.f, QPointF(30, 20));
animation->setPosAt(50.f / 200.f, QPointF(30, 30));
animation->setPosAt(60.f / 200.f, QPointF(40, 30));
animation->setPosAt(70.f / 200.f, QPointF(40, 60));
animation->setPosAt(80.f / 200.f, QPointF(50, 60));
animation->setPosAt(90.f / 200.f, QPointF(50, 0));
animation->setPosAt(100.f / 200.f, QPointF(70, 0));
animation->setPosAt(110.f / 200.f, QPointF(70, 10));
animation->setPosAt(120.f / 200.f, QPointF(80, 10));
QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene();
scene->setSceneRect(0, 0, 250, 250);