I've just now encountered the phrases "java subtype" and "true subtype". It was given in a question in a way that makes clear that they are not the same. But I couldn't find an explanation on what is the difference between the two.
Can someone please explain the differences between "java subtype" and "true subtype"?
A java subtype is any class that extends another class (or even implements an interface). A true subtype is not something language specific:
A true subtype can always be substituted for the supertype. "Any property guaranteed by supertype must be guaranteed by subtype (true subtyping)"
The link contains a very enlightning example. Let's say you have a class Point2D that stores values x and y. You could now create a subtype Point3D and add a value z. If you don't override any methods and take care with your equals and hashcode methods you could substitute a Point3D instance at any time for a Point2D instance.
This is a simple example of course. One could argue why not have only Point3D. Maybe the classes both offer some methods that can - by dividing up into to classes - be better recognized as belonging to the 2D or 3D realm. In this case it would probably be purely a design decision.
class Point2D {
int x;
int y;
//true subtype
class Point3D extends Point2D {
int z;
A more complex example might arise if you take a Person class and then have two subtypes: Employee and Customer. Both Employee and Customer offer all the same fields and methods as a Person.
class Person {
String name;
Date birthday;
public boolean equals(Object o){
//simplified equals implementation, this does not fulfill equals contract!
return name.equals(((Person)o).name);
//true subtype, same behaviour
class Employee extends Person {
long departmentId;
//not a true subtype, different behaviour -> equals
class Customer extends Person {
long customerId;
Date lastContact;
String city;
public boolean equals(Object o){
//simplified equals implementation, this does not fulfill equals contract!
return customerId.equals(((Customer)o).customerId);
In this example Employee would be a true subtype of Person. However Customer is not a true subtype because the equals implementation differs (and presumably hashCode() as well) and it would not behave the same and could probably not be substituted for a Person object at all times.