I'm writing a program which requires me to enter a series of char which are loaded into a char array to be used later. The code I am trying to get to work looks like:
char temp = getchar();
while(temp != '\n'){//input char into temp until '\n'
input[strlen(input)] = temp;//adds temp to end of input
temp = getchar();
but when I get to this line in the program I get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" and crashes.. When I replace the \n with another char, for example %
char temp = getchar();
while(temp != '%'){//input char into temp until '\n'
input[strlen(input)] = temp;//adds temp to end of input
temp = getchar();
then it works fine, but I want to use the newline and not %. I've looked on several tutorials and they said this is how to input until enter is hit so I'm not sure what the problem is. Thanks in advance.
You can use this :
while ( (temp=getchar()) != EOF && temp != '\n' )