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Generating hashCode() and equals() when creating Java classes using Mojo Jaxb2 maven plugin

The code I'm working on is using jaxb2-maven-plugin from org.codehaus.mojo to generate Java classes from XSD schema. I'm looking for a way to automatically implement equals() and hashCode() methods for those classes, but it seems there is not a way. I know that there are other JAXB2 Maven plugins that do that ( for example), but I was wondering if anyone of you encountered this issue before and if there's a way for fixing it. I'm generating the classes using the xjc goal.


  • JAXB2 Basics you're mentioning is not a property of maven-jaxb2-plugin, it is a standalone set of JAXB 2.x plugins you can use with XJC - or jaxb2-maven-plugin or whatever.


    What I wanted to ask - why not just use maven-jaxb2-plugin? It has so much more functionality compared to the Codehaus plugin - including configuration support for JAXB2 plugins.