I have code in C++ for saving and retrieving data from an XML file. I have some forms built in QML that I would like to hook up in such a way that when data is entered in my QML, processing is handled in C++, and searches are done for products via QML form, processed in C++ and list of product items are handed back to QML for display.
class ProcessRequests : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(string username READ username WRITE username)
Q_PROPERTY(string useremail READ useremail WRITE useremail)
Q_PROPERTY(string usercomplaint READ usercomplaint WRITE usercomplaint)
Q_INVOKABLE void SubmitComplaint(){
//TODO: Add Xml code to save the property values to file
I think your problem is to inter-communicate between QML and C++ code, you can do it with code like this:
QmlApplicationViewer viewer;
QDeclarativeEngine *engine = viewer.engine();
QDeclarativeContext *context = engine->rootContext();
context->setContextProperty("Product", this);
//Your QML File