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How can I use <s:property> to access a map using OGNL

I am trying to build a time tracking page where I display the project name, tasks and the hours billed for each day.

Here is the object I have on the Java side:

ProjectTO project1 = new ProjectTO();
project1.setProjectName("Project ABC");

TreeMap tasks = new TreeMap();
tasks.put("100_t1", "Requirement");
tasks.put("100_t2", "Development");         

TreeMap hours = new TreeMap();
hours.put("100_t1:Mon", "8");
hours.put("100_t1:Wed", "7");

I'll need to look through this object to display values on the screen. Here is what I have on the JSP Page:

<s:iterator value="activeProjects">
        <td><p><s:property value="projectName"/></p></td>                           

<s:iterator value="tasks">
        <td><s:property value="value"/></td>
        <td><s:property value="hours[%{key+':Mon'}]"/></td>
        <td><s:property value="hours[%{key+':Tue'}]"/></td>         

The problem is figuring out how to display the hours. The code snippet shown above does not work. I can get it to work by using <s:set var="mon" value="%{key+':Mon'}"> and referencing it in my td tags - hours[#mon]).

Is there a better solution?


Thanks Dave. You are right. I am looking for hours["100_t1:Mon"].

When I am iterating over the object in the view layer, the '100_t1' will need to be dynamically inserted based on the key of the task row i am iterating over. 'Mon', 'Tue' can be hardcoded.

I am going to see if I can do this better outside of the View layer as you recommended. As of now this is what I have working for me.

<s:iterator value="activeProjects">
        <td><p><s:property value="projectName"/></p></td>                           

<s:iterator value="tasks">
             <s:set var="mon" value="%{key+':Mon'}"/> 
             <s:set var="tue" value="%{key+':Tue'}"/>
             <s:set var="wed" value="%{key+':Wed'}"/>
             <s:set var="thu" value="%{key+':Thu'}"/>
             <s:set var="fri" value="%{key+':Fri'}"/>
             <s:set var="sat" value="%{key+':Sat'}"/>
             <s:set var="sun" value="%{key+':Sun'}"/>
                        <td><s:property value="value"/></td>
                        <td><s:property value="hours[#mon]"/></td>
                        <td><s:property value="hours[#tue]"/></td>
                        <td><s:property value="hours[#wed]"/></td>
                        <td><s:property value="hours[#thu]"/></td>
                        <td><s:property value="hours[#fri]"/></td>  
                        <td><s:property value="hours[#sat]"/></td>
                        <td><s:property value="hours[#sun]"/></td>                                          


Final Edit:

The following statement helps me avoid having to use s:set tags. I should have surrounded hours[key + ':Mon'] within %{}.

value="%{hours[key + ':Mon']}"/>

also this works too

value="hours[key + ':Wed']"


  • You're short-circuiting the OGNL evaluation you actually want.

    The full OGNL expression you're looking for is actually hours["100_t1:Mon"]:

    <s:property value="%{hours[key + ':Mon']}"/>

    (IMO) you should be attach the hours to a task more concretely; as it is you're kind of subverting OOP paradigms by using maps and ad-hoc relationships.

    Also, you know precisely how many days there are in a week, present the JSP with a list of daily hours. This avoids doing work in the view layer where testing is more difficult.

    If you choose to not follow OOP/MVC norms, you can eliminate some redundancy like this:

    <s:iterator value="{'Mon', 'Tue', ...etc...}" var="d">
      <s:set var="hrs" value="%{hours[key + ':' + #d]}"/>
      <td><s:property value="%{#hrs ? #hrs : 'N/A'}"/></td>

    Again, I feel pretty strongly this is the wrong place to do this type of work.