I am trying to migrate Struts 1 tags to Struts 2. Is there any cheat sheet available to do it?(I don't see any for migrating tags.) Need to know the equivalent tags in Struts 2.
Especially :
Is <html:base/>
in Struts1 equivakent to <s:head/>
in Struts 2?
Other tags that needs to migrate:
<html:link forward/>
<html:link page/>
<html:form action/>
This is a table I've used long time ago:
| <bean:write name= | <s:property value= |
| <bean:message key= | <s:text name= |
| <html:rewrite | <s:url value= |
| <html:link action= | <s:a action= |
| <html:img action= | <img src== |
| <html:img page= | <img src= |
| <html:hidden property= | <s:hidden name= |
| <html:submit | <s:submit |
| </html:submit> | </s:submit |
| <html:form | <s:form |
| </html:form | </s:form |
| <html:text | <s:textfield |
| <html:password | <s:password |
| <html:select property= | <s:select name= |
| <html:optionsCollection | <s:select list= listKey= listValue= |
| <html:checkbox property= | <s:checkbox name= |
| <html:file | <s:file name= |
| <html:button | <input type=“button” |
other you can find in my answers.