Ok, been breaking my head over this one for a few days. This is the problem:
A workaround of some sort is to use an alert box to force a delay, this allows the Facebook API query to "catch up" when you confirm the alert, lo and behold, the images appear inside the carousel!
Is there anyway at all to solve this isuse. After research, I have seen similair problems addressed using a "Callback" function.
I am a rank novice with coding, so any help would be hugely appreciated.
I am trying to modify this page to stream facebook images: http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/dynamic_javascript.html
Also in order to make this work you will also need the facebook Javascript SDK script
<script src="//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script>
You will also need Jquery.
Finally, below is a sample of my code, the portion that is not working:
$(document).ready(function() {
//the below is an Asynchronous request to facebook
FB.api('/232137976851458' + '/photos', function(response) {
for (i=0;i<=response.data.length;i++)
mycarousel_itemList[i] = {url: response.data[i].picture, title: "2"};
//the alert below is used as a forced break to allow the api to stream the required information, if we remove this alert, the images refuse to load into the carousel
//after the pictures are retrieved from the facebook API, the mycarousel_itemList array will be used to dynamically add the pictures into a carousel.....the code to instantiate the carousel is below
size: mycarousel_itemList.length,
wrap: "circular",
itemLoadCallback: {onBeforeAnimation: mycarousel_itemLoadCallback}
Thanks so much for the speedy reply DMCS - the above did not acually work, but it did give me an idea, which eventually led me to the solution.
When I put the instantiation of the Caroussel inside the For Loop, it worked, becuse the Carousel itself dimensions the ammount if items based on the length of the array, which is reset at each step in the for loop, so it overwrites with the most current information off the api asynchronous request. Here is the working answer:
FB.api('/232137976851458' + '/photos', function(response) {
for (i=0;i<=response.data.length;i++)
mycarousel_itemList[i] = {url: response.data[i].picture, title: "2"};
wrap: "circular",
size: mycarousel_itemList.length,
itemLoadCallback: {onBeforeAnimation: mycarousel_itemLoadCallback}