I move from WAS 6.1 to WAS 7 and trying to figure out what causes my application startup time to increase by a significant amount (double). The application is an EAR with lot of files and directories.
The application is the same as well as the HW.
The only thing that changed was the WAS version (6.1->7)
Any thoughts?
I just found that there is fix that reduces the startup time. The fix is available for Version 6.1.x and Version 7.0.x
Here is the description of the fix pack: “For very large applications with a large number of files and directories, application startup time has increased by a significant amount when moving from v5.0 to v5.1/v6.x. This is due to new code in later versions of WebSphere that search the application installation directories for TLD (taglib descriptor) files.”
Add the following property to WebContainer custom properties com.ibm.wsspi.jsp.disableTldSearch true
On my machine the statup time of Websphere 7 server was reduced from 1 min 30 secs to 45 seconds!