I'm trying to have properties inherit from a parent, but I'm not clear as to the right way of doing it.
Lets say I have:
var Animal = function(name){
this.offspring = [];
this.name = name;
return this;
Animal.prototype.createOffspring = function(name){
name = name || 'Baby '+(this.offspring.length+1);
return this;
Now I want to add a sub prototype inherit so I don't have to manually add everything from the parent. For example, lets say I want to add a Cat
based from Animal
I'd like to do this, like if it were an Animal
var pet = new Cat('Kitty');
Without manually having to add name
and createOffspring
to the Cat constructor
which is really just an Animal
, but with some other added functionality (like .meow()
or something).
// Parent
function Animal() {
this.name = 'An animal';
// Some child
function Cat() {
this.speaks = 'Meow';
// Here comes inheritence
Cat.prototype = new Animal();
// Or like that
// but don't forget to put all inheritable fields to Animal's prototype
Cat.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
// Let 'instanceof' work. Don't forget the following line,
// because we eraese the info about constructor of Cat instances.
Cat.prototype.constructor = Cat;
// Add some custom method
Cat.prototype.meow = function() { return this.speaks; }
var cat = new Cat();
var animal = new Animal();
/// Some tests
cat.name; // A animal
animal.name; // An animal
cat.meow(); // Meow!
cat instanceof Cat; // true
cat instanceof Animal; // true
That's it? (UPD: Error with prototype fixed) (UPD2: Sorry. It is late night, I make a lot of mistakes.. I must go sleep)
There is also another solution, but its Chrome,FF-specific (maybe others):
// Animal and Cat functions from above, but
Cat.prototype = {
__proto__: Animal.prototype,
constructor: Cat,
meow: function() { ... }
Looks shorter, but not'd be tempted by this: it's better to follow ECMAScript standart.