I am currently working on a portal and I need to use Liferay as the Portal server.
My application will be having some global settings, which i need to access in all the portlets in my portal.
what is the best pratice to load such configuration settigs? I want those configuration settings to be read from a configuration file/database. but it should be read only once at the application startup. I dont want the settings to be read from database/file for each request.
Also, I would be using velocity framework for templates, can i read the same global variables in my velocity templates?
Can i put those global variables in my portal-ext.properties file and if Yes, how can i load default values in it?
Any other approaches would also help,
Thanks in advance
Add the following to portal-ext.properties:
You can implement PropsKeys for the key:
public class ExtPortalKeys implements PropsKeys {
public static final String MY_KEY = "my.key";
and then call:
PrefsPropsUtil.getString(companyId, ExtPortalKeys.MY_KEY);