I am using the code from Rome's tutorials page http://wiki.java.net/twiki/bin/view/Javawsxml/Rome05TutorialFeedReader .
When I try to compile, it says class FeedReader is public, should be declared in a file named FeedReader.java
I am new to Java, but I think that the FeedReader
class should be part of the package used in the example, or in one of the import paths. I can't find file com.sun.syndication.samples
(which is the package from the example) in the Rome library I downloaded. Any thoughts?
The code from your tutorial is
package com.sun.syndication.samples;
public class FeedReader {
It must be in a file named FeedReader.java
and put in a directory com/sun/syndication/samples
. If you change the name of the class, you must change also the name of the java file. If you change the package declaration, you must also change the location of the file.