I am using a WPF ribbon and I have just run into some strange behavior. I have a contextual tab which I duplicate some of the functionality from the Home tab so that my users don't have to click back and forth.
The problem I have seen is that if I reuse an image, my application crashes on start up if running on Windows XP. There is no issue on Windows 7. Any ideas?
<r:RibbonTab Header="Home">
<r:RibbonGroup Header="Clipboard">
<r:RibbonButton Label="Paste" LargeImageSource="Resources\Images\Paste.ico" Command="{Binding PasteCommand}"/>
<r:RibbonButton Label="Cut" SmallImageSource="Resources\Images\Cut.ico" Command="{Binding CutCommand}"/>
<r:RibbonButton Label="Copy" SmallImageSource="Resources\Images\Copy.ico" Command="{Binding CopyCommand}"/>
.... Other Code...
<r:RibbonTab Header="Options" ContextualTabGroupHeader="Options">
<Style TargetType="r:RibbonTab">
<Trigger Property="Visibility" Value="Visible">
<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="True" />
.... If I uncomment this next part it crashes on XP....
<!--<r:RibbonGroup Header="Clipboard">
<r:RibbonButton Label="Paste" LargeImageSource="Resources\Images\Paste.ico" Command="{Binding PasteCommand}"/>
<r:RibbonButton Label="Cut" SmallImageSource="Resources\Images\Cut.ico" Command="{Binding CutCommand}"/>
<r:RibbonButton Label="Copy" SmallImageSource="Resources\Images\Copy.ico" Command="{Binding CopyCommand}"/>
If I take out the LargeImageSource/SmallImageSource part it works fine.
Not sure if this would help you.
It happened me some time with something similar with my app crashing on WinXP. It turns out the Icon I used for my Windows. It seems that full colored, transparent, big icons are not correctly handled by XP systems. Changed to small non-transparent images and it started to work.