Im trying to do some coding about improving the iPhone positioning accuracy. I got all needed info(e.g. latitude, longitude, deviceMotion, Gyro..) from my iPhone hardware and need to display the more accurate calculation result on the mapView. But just then I found that the userLocation property of the mapView is readonly, so it probably means it cannot be changed even use the setCoordinate method, so sad =[ Is there any solution that can deal with it or there has another way to display that position on my map view? Thanks!
You just need to create CLLocationCoordinate2D with CLLocationCoordinate2DMake and set there latitude a longitude. Then create your position as new MKAnotation (for example yourPositionAnotation) and set there your position from CLLocationCoordinate2D as a coordinate. Then do just something like this:
// create coordinate
CLLocationCoordinate2D yourPos = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, lon);
// create MKAnnotation
MKAnnotationView *yourAnnotation = [[MKAnnotationView alloc] init];
yourAnnotation.coordinate = yourPos;
// remove all old annotations
[self.myMapView removeAnnotations:self.myMapView.annotations]
// add your annotation
[self.myMapView addAnnotation:yourAnnotation];
Don't forget release annotation in the end.