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<GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h> file not found Google Maps SDK for iOS

Yesterday I recived an email from google saying that I could acces to the map api for ios, I generated my key from the app console and I follow the steps of but xcode throw this error.

#import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h> //file not found

Thanks for your support.

It is normal that appears the Headers executable instead of the folder?

enter image description here



  • Make sure you unzip the SDK with something which understands symbolic links.

    GoogleMaps.framework/Headers is a symbolic link to GoogleMaps.framework/Versions/A/Headers.

    When I unzip it on my Mac the symbolic link is set up correctly. But when I unzip it on my PC instead of symbolic links I get text files which just contain the path (eg Versions/Current/Headers).

    If you unzip on a PC and then copy the folder to your Mac (or unzip using some other method which doesn't create symbolic links), then you will get the error you see.