I am using rails 2.3.4 and sphinx 1.4.4 and raspell 1.0.0. Now I would like to
add fuzzy match in sphinx search, so I added in my config/environment.rb
file I added the following lines:
config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance
config.raspell.dictionary = 'en'
config.raspell.suggestion_mode = :badspellers
Ref - https://github.com/freelancing-god/thinking-sphinx-raspell
while starting my server it throws the error like this
undefined method `raspell' for
#<ThinkingSphinx::Configuration:0xb63d7f8c> (NoMethodError)
Can you help me on this?
This is the problem because of the gem versions. I modified gem versions this issue is fixed now.
Here the Gems and its versions:
Thinking sphinx - 1.3.17
Active Record - 2.3.5
After Commit - 1.0.10
Riddle - 1.0.10
Thinking sphinx Raspell - 1.1.1
Raspell -1.3