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Shouldn't I use _endthreadex() in thread procedure for stack unwinding?

I examined about stack unwinding on thread procedure in win32 environment.
My test code is the following.

class Dummy
    Dummy() { wcout << L"dummy ctor" << endl; }
    ~Dummy() { wcout << L"dummy dtor" << endl; }

void InnerFunc()
    Dummy dm;

        char *buf = new char[100000000];

unsigned WINAPI ThreadFunc(void *arg)
    Dummy dm;

        catch(bad_alloc e)
        wcout << e.what() << endl;

    return 0;

void OuterFunc()
    Dummy dm;

    HANDLE hModule;
    hModule = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(0, 0, ThreadFunc, 0, 0, 0);
    WaitForSingleObject(hModule, INFINITE);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    wcout << e.what() << endl;

    return 0;

Output result:
dummy ctor
dummy ctor
dummy ctor
dummy dtor
bad allocation
dummy dtor

As you know, an output of constructor and destructor is not paired. I think that _endthreadex() makes the thread handle be signaled and skips stack unwinding of the thread.

When I tested again without _endthreadex(), I was able to get a result I expected.

In this case, if I need stack unwinding on thread, shouldn't I use _endthreadex() in thread procedure?


  • I would guess the destructor is never called for the instance created in ThreadFunc. However, you should add a way to distinguish each constructor and destructor call to be sure.

    Assuming that's what's happening, it seems pretty clear that endthreadex terminates the thread immediately without cleaning up the stack. The docs explicitly state that endthreadex is called when ThreadFunc returns, so why bother calling it explicitly here?

    This is definitely a case where I'd use boost::thread instead. It will do the right thing in terms of thread creation and cleanup without making you worry about the win32-specific details.