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what element triggers a page exit

I'm trying to find the element that triggered a page exit. Say they click on an a href... I'll leave the JS-initiated location changes for another battle. I want to do some processing before exit (ie, save state of app).

What I've tried:

$(window).bind("unload", function(e) { console.log("====EXIT===="); console.log($(this)); console.dir(e); } );

Neither the $(this) nor "e" (event) reference the element that caused it.

  • $(this) is nothing
  • and "e" prints an empty object "c.Event"


  • i pressume this one will work for you.

            var pageUrl = $(this).attr("href");
            if(pageUrl.indexOf('') == -1 && !$(this).attr("rel") && pageUrl.indexOf('javascript')==-1){
                //only your domain, lightboxes, and javascripts, otherwise cancel event.
                console.log('sorry dude no another site');

    Try with theese;

    <a href="">google</a>
    <a href="">another site</a>
    <a href="javascript:alert(1)">alert</a>
    <a href="" rel="ligthbox">image</a>