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why can't I remove some controls from storyboard - Xcode

I added a Navigation Bar manually, it doesn't even have a navigationController. Initially I had hard time adding it, but now I have hard time deleting it. enter image description here

I tried all combinations of delete, shift+delete, ctrl+delete and more. Nothing works, I really don't want it there. It actually creates 2 bars.

Last resort would be to delete the viewcontroller and create a new one. But I'm curious on why it happens. I don't know if it's just me, but this new Xcode seems more buggy. It crashes frequently.


  • I found the issue, I previously did an Embed-in NavigationController which I didn't notice, my bad. My storyboard is kinda cluttered right now, that's the reason it went unnoticed. I should organize it asap.