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In Emacs how to switch to other buffer?

The problem is following: I want to automate the way my emacs starts. It has to be split in two buffers and the slime-repl has to be started in the smallest (bottom) buffer. Plus, I want my file to be opened in the bigger (upper) buffer. In my .emacs there are lines:

(split-window-vertically -6)
(switch-to-buffer (other-buffer))
(find-file "g:/Private/pa/pa2.lsp")

SLIME opens o.k. in the bottom buffer, but the file is opened in one of the background buffers, while I want it to be in front.

How to fix this?


  • Instead of switch-to-buffer, use function pop-to-buffer.

    (pop-to-buffer BUFFER-OR-NAME &optional OTHER-WINDOW NORECORD)

    Select buffer BUFFER-OR-NAME in some window, preferably a different one.