I upgraded an MSM site from 1.7.1 to 2.4 and while I can access the Control Panel for the sites I am unable to load the main site. I get the following error:
Unable to load requested field type file: ft.ftype_id_2.php.
Confirm the fieldtype file is located in the expressionengine/third_party/ directory
I have scoured the Expression Engine site, Googled it and I can't find anything that helps. As a result I am totally stumped and open to good insights.
FieldFrame is ExpressionEngine 1.x only. ExpressionEngine 2 has a built in fields API which takes its place.
Your best bet at fixing this is going into your field group settings and confirming all previous field types are installed. Have you migrated all your ee1 field types to ee2? You can make sure they are installed in ee2 by going to addons -> fieldtypes.