Quick question...my wife is drafting a small agreement for her the IT company she works for to work with another IT company in which her company will lend or assign programmers, without limiting or specifying the length of time that the resource will be assigned.
The two companies have worked before and the agreement had a data table for the cost per hour of the resource, depending on his level, and the limit number of hours that could be charged.
In this case, since they will assign the resource, they need to replace the number with a word or a very short phrase that will describe that the number of hours is the total number of hours that the resource worked assigned to them.
I'm not sure what a good word would be...could it be "Open"? Or "Unlimited"? Or "Number of hours worked"? I'm not sure and I tried searching online but couldn't find a good match for what I need.
ANy help is greatly appreciated, since she needs to hand in the draft tomorrow. Thanks!!
"Ongoing", "as needed", "per hour while assigned"?