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How to implement a Stack class in C#, with pre/postconditions and invariants?

Does anyone have any examples or ideas on how / what is the best way to implement a Stack class in C#? I understand that there is already a Stack class, but I need to understand how to actually implement a Stack class.

I also need advice on how to use Contracts in C# to specify preconditions, postconditions, and invariants for this class. I think I have used something similar before when creating models in the ASP.NET MVC architecture, but I'm not entirely sure if it is the same thing and works the same way. (I'm a bit lost on the preconditions/postconditions/invariants, if you couldn't already tell - so please bear with me.)

My main question - could someone give me advice on properly using Contracts for a class such as a Stack.

Yes, I have laid out effort:

public interface IStack
        void Push(Object e);
        Object Pop();
        Object Top();
        void EnsureCapacity();

   public class Stack : IStack
    private Object[] elements;
    private int size = 0;

    public Stack()
        elements = new Object[0];

    public void Push(Object e)
        // check if this array capacity has been reached and increase if needed
        elements[size++] = e;

    public Object Pop()
        // check if the method call is invalid for the object's current state
        if (size == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Stack.Pop");

        Object result = elements[--size];
        elements[size] = null;

        return result;

    public Object Top()
        // check if the method call is invalid for the object's current state
        if (size == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("");
        return elements[(size - 1)];

    private void EnsureCapacity()
        if (elements.Length == size)
            Object[] oldElements = elements;
            elements = new Object[(2 * size + 1)];


  • If you want, for getting started using Microsoft Code Contracts, I made a blog post about it once. That post covers the very basic of preconditions, post-conditions, and invariants.

    As a summary of the concepts, you can think of them as follows:

    • Precondition is what must be true prior to a method being executed -- what clients promise your method.
    • Invariant is what must remain publicly true at all times as far as clients of your class are concerned.
    • Postcondition is what must be true following a method execution -- what your method promises to clients.

    So, off the top of my head, for a stack, an easy thing to think of might be an invariant. If you're modeling the stack with an array, you might declare an invariant on the class that the array is never set to null, for example you'd define the invariant method:

    private void ObjectInvariant()
       Contract.Invariant(elements != null);

    It looks like you've already got a precondition on your pop method - you want to say that it's incumbent on the user to make sure that the stack is not empty when he executes a pop. So, at the beginning of the pop method, you'd have:

    Contract.Requires(size > 0);

    And finally, you might specifiy a post-condition on pop, that size will always be less than it was before the pop operation (you could get more specific if you like):

    Contract.Ensures(Contract.OldValue<int>(size) > size);

    Good luck with it -- contracts are cool and useful. It's a very clean way to code.