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boost asio - write equivalent piece of code

I have this piece of code using standard sockets:

void set_fds(int sock1, int sock2, fd_set *fds) {
    FD_ZERO (fds);
    FD_SET (sock1, fds); 
    FD_SET (sock2, fds); 

void do_proxy(int client, int conn, char *buffer) {
    fd_set readfds; 
    int result, nfds = max(client, conn)+1;
    set_fds(client, conn, &readfds);
    while((result = select(nfds, &readfds, 0, 0, 0)) > 0) {
        if (FD_ISSET (client, &readfds)) {
            int recvd = recv(client, buffer, 256, 0);
            if(recvd <= 0)
            send_sock(conn, buffer, recvd);
        if (FD_ISSET (conn, &readfds)) {
            int recvd = recv(conn, buffer, 256, 0);
            if(recvd <= 0)
            send_sock(client, buffer, recvd);
        set_fds(client, conn, &readfds);

I have sockets client and conn and I need to "proxy" traffic between them (this is part of a socks5 server implementation, you may see How can I achieve this under asio ?

I must specify that until this point both sockets were operated under blocking mode.

Tried to use this without success:

ProxySession::ProxySession(ba::io_service& ioService, socket_ptr socket, socket_ptr clientSock): ioService_(ioService), socket_(socket), clientSock_(clientSock)


void ProxySession::Start()
    socket_->async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data_, 1),
        boost::bind(&ProxySession::HandleProxyRead, this,

void ProxySession::HandleProxyRead(const boost::system::error_code& error,
      size_t bytes_transferred)
    if (!error)
          boost::asio::buffer(data_, bytes_transferred),
          boost::bind(&ProxySession::HandleProxyWrite, this,
      delete this;

void ProxySession::HandleProxyWrite(const boost::system::error_code& error)
   if (!error)
       socket_->async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data_, max_length),
        boost::bind(&ProxySession::HandleProxyRead, this,
      delete this;

The issue is that if I do ba::read(*socket_, ba::buffer(data_,256)) I can read data that comes from my browser client through socks proxy but in the version from above ProxySession::Start does not lead to HandleProxyRead being called in any circumstances.

I don't really need an async way of exchanging data here, it;s just that I've come by with this solution here. Also from where I called ProxySession->start from code I needed to introduce a sleep because otherwise the thread context from which this was executing was being shut down.

*Update 2 * See below one of my updates. The question block is getting too big.


  • The problem ca be solved by using asynchronous write/read functions in order to have something similar with presented code. Basically use async_read_some()/async_write() - or other async functions in these categories. Also in order for async processing to work one must call that will dispatch completion handler for async processing.