I'm trying to use a ListAdapter to display the results of a Cursor. According to my logs everything is returned the correct results until it gets to this point
ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,R.layout.cattle_layout,
c,new String[]{"c.animal_id, c.eartag"},new int[]{R.id.TextView_cattleId,R.id.TextView_earTag});
At that point, the program throws an exception with the above mentioned message and it then names the two fields I want to display - from that point on it's next a java.lang.Exception and then references to the AbstractCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow
There has to be a problem with the 'new String[] creation", but I've searched and can't find anything.
Suggestions would be appreciated.
Cursor Creation is
String asColumnsToReturn[] ={
Cursor c = mDatabase.query(TABLE_CATTLE, asColumnsToReturn,"type_of_animal=?", new String[]{targetType},null, null, null, null);
Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Record Count " + c.getCount() + " Columns: " + c.getColumnCount());
My Log gives me the correct count for the where clause, the correct data is in the records
where those two strings are just what they sound like. also you should really use static strings for column names. within your database define them once like :
public final static String COLUMNNAME_ANIMAL_ID = animalId; // where animalId is how the SQL column will be named.
and call that stuff from everywhere you need it with DatabaseClass.COLUMNNAME_ANIMAL_ID
in this example you would then use:
new String[] { DatabaseClass.COLUMNNAME_ANIMAL_ID, DatabaseClass.COLUMNNAME_EARTAG }
this way you a) can be sure you have no spelling errors in your SQL and b) can change column/table/DB names as quick as 1,2,3 - no matter where you used them.