I'm trying to get Slime working with CDT and emacs 24, to no avail, and would appreciate suggestions.
1) I did get clojure-jack-in to run, but only when I loaded swank-clojure 1.3.3 as a lein plugin, as described in the github swank-clojure page, https://github.com/technomancy/swank-clojure.
2) I tried to get swank-clojure 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT loaded as described by George Jahad in http://georgejahad.com/clojure/swank-cdt.html (using Clojure 1.2.1), but I couldn't clojure-jack-in to run. I got the same error as described in 3), below.
3) Most recently, I tried duplicating the results of the short proof-of-concept video on the technomancy.us site, on the "in which radical simplification ensues," http://technomancy.us/149. In this method, I loaded swank-clojure 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT as a lein plugin and confirmed it was loaded to ~/.lein/plugins/swank-clojure-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
. When I created a new lein project, did lein deps
on it, opened the project's core.clj file in emacs, and then executed M-x clojure-jack-in
, instead of getting a REPL, I got the following error in the emacs minibuffer:
error in process filter: Search failed: "(run-hooks 'slime-load-hook) ;
on port"
Note that the end of the error string does not include a port number. Unless that's an arbitrary truncation of a longer error string, the lack of a port number makes me uneasy.
The *swank*
buffer is long, beginning with:
;;; Bootstrapping bundled version of SLIME; please wait...
and ending with:
(provide 'slime-repl)
;;; slime-repl.el ends here
(run-hooks 'slime-load-hook)
;;; proceed to jack in
which is consistent with the error message.
I've spent about six hours on this, including a lot of web searches, and no luck. Thanks for any help you can provide.
ADDENDUM: I've continued experimenting, and now the *swank*
buffer ends like before (dying at the same place), but with additional lines at the end. FYI, here it is:
(provide 'slime-repl)
;;; slime-repl.el ends here
(run-hooks 'slime-load-hook)
[WARNING] Overriding profile: 'null' (source: pom) with new instance from source: pom
[WARNING] Overriding profile: 'null' (source: pom) with new instance from source: pom
[WARNING] Overriding profile: 'null' (source: pom) with new instance from source: pom
Downloading: org/clojure/clojure/1.+/clojure-1.+.pom from repository clojars at http://clojars.org/repo/
Unable to locate resource in repository
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'org.clojure:clojure:pom:1.+' in repository clojars (http://clojars.org/repo/)
Downloading: org/clojure/clojure/1.+/clojure-1.+.pom from repository stuartsierra-releases at http://stuartsierra.com/maven2
Unable to locate resource in repository
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'org.clojure:clojure:pom:1.+' in repository stuartsierra-releases (http://stuartsierra.com/maven2)
Downloading: org/clojure/clojure/1.+/clojure-1.+.pom from repository clojure at http://build.clojure.org/releases
Unable to locate resource in repository
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'org.clojure:clojure:pom:1.+' in repository clojure (http://build.clojure.org/releases)
Downloading: org/clojure/clojure/1.+/clojure-1.+.pom from repository clojure-snapshots at http://build.clojure.org/snapshots
Unable to locate resource in repository
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'org.clojure:clojure:pom:1.+' in repository clojure-snapshots (http://build.clojure.org/snapshots)
Downloading: org/clojure/clojure/1.+/clojure-1.+.pom from repository central at http://repo1.maven.org/maven2
Unable to locate resource in repository
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'org.clojure:clojure:pom:1.+' in repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
Copying 9 files to /Users/gw/tech/clojurestuff/cljprojects/infwb/lib
Copying 1 file to /Users/gw/tech/clojurestuff/cljprojects/infwb/lib/dev
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 61012
;;; proceed to jack in
(end of addendum)
ADDENDUM 2 (Dec. 12, 2011) Thanks to all who offered help, especially @ivant, to whom I'm awarding the "check mark." I'm going to consider this situation closed because I've given up trying to fix it. It was complicated by my use of a prepackaged initialization package that I'm sure is quite nice, but I couldn't understand what it was doing, nor whether it was contributing to the problem.
I restarted with a "clean" Emacs 24 and reverted to swank-clojure 1.3.3, and clojure-jack-in
works just fine now. I'll try CDT later, once the bug logged to swank-clojure 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT is resolved.
I learned a few things from people's comments--thanks again.
Upgrade to swank-clojure 1.4.0 (released yesterday) and everything will just work out of the box. lein plugin install swank-clojure 1.4.0
CDT installation and integration are now completely automated. Make sure to remove any old copies of swank-clojure, slime.el and slime-repl.el you have lying around. Just to be safe, also make sure you've got the latest clojure-mode.el installed.