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GetBindingExpression returns null in the Loaded event

I'm trying to call the GetBindingExpression method in the Loaded event, but it always returns null.

Is this expected behavior, or am I doing something wrong? If it is expected, after what event do binding expressions become available?

I just create custom control

public partial class LookUp : ComboBox

public static readonly DependencyProperty LookUpItemsSourceProperty =
                           , typeof(IEnumerable)
                           , typeof(LookUp)
                           , new PropertyMetadata(OnItemsSourcePropertyChanged));

public IEnumerable LookUpItemsSource
                return this.GetValue(LookUpItemsSourceProperty) as IEnumerable;
                this.SetValue(LookUpItemsSourceProperty, value);

And use this control in xaml

<Controls:LookUp Name="cb1"  LookUpItemsSource="{x:Static Helper:DataManager.CycleLookUpData}"

Now i want to get binding expression when control initialized that method return null:



  • x:static will set the value of key, it is not binding expression. You will have to use,

    {Binding CycleLookUpData, source={x:static Helper:DataManager}}