here's my problem :
$("#gallery > img").live('click',function() {
$(this).prev().css("background" , "#f99"); // WORKS !
var src = $(this).prev().src; // DOESN'T WORK (src is undefined)
I see in the google chrome debugger that prev() function returns a jQuery.fn.jQuery.init[1] object... It seems like it contains the HTMLImageElement i want with prev() at index 0, but working with it like an array doesn't work.
I'm lost here I could use some help... thank you guys
// get the DOM element and access the src property
var src = $(this).prev()[0].src;
// get the DOM element and access the src property
var src = $(this).prev().get(0).src;
// access the src via .attr()
var src = $(this).prev().attr("src");