I'm trying to do:
Decreasing the temperature values of the slider, I need that circle that represents the star gradually increase and change background color as this link: http://astro.unl.edu/naap/hr/animations/hrExplorer.html
But my code isn't doing it.....See lines from $("#s_tem").slider({ See my code: http://jsfiddle.net/NxNXJ/19/
You are assigning the variable chosenColor values like: #597459745974
Which are not valid CSS color attributes.
[Edit] Here's some code that should get you going:
change: function(event, ui)
var hexValue = ui.value.toString(16).toUpperCase();
if (hexValue.length < 2) hexValue = "0" + hexValue;
var chosenColor = NumberToHexColor(hexValue);
$("#star").css('background-color', chosenColor);
value: 5800,
min: 2300,
max: 40000,
step: 100,
function NumberToHexColor(Number)
var HexColor = '' + Number;
while (HexColor.length < 6)
HexColor = '0' + HexColor;
return '#'+ HexColor;