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Live events in jQuery 1.7+

I am trying to use the on method for future DOM elements, but for some reason instead of calling events on click, it fires them when the DOM objects are dynamically created.

here's the code that I have.

$("#checkbox1").on('click', toggleChecked(this.checked)); //this is included in Ajax call success method

function toggleChecked(status) {
    $(".item").each(function () {
        $(this).prop("checked", status);

What am I doing wrong here?


  • toggleChecked(this.checked) will right away execute the function and then on will get its return value as handler which is undefined.

    Wrap it an anonymous function so that it will be called when you click on the checkbox.

    $("#checkbox1").on('click', function(){

    If you use toggelChecked method directy as click handler you can get the checked status of the checkbox using `this.checked inside the handler.