Search code examples

NSFetchedResultsController ignores fetchLimit after performFetch

I have a tabbed application, that has 2 tabs with 2 UITableView.
I also have 2 NSFetchedResultsController type objects, but both of them are on the same entity with different ordering and different fetch limit.
When I download more objects from the internet and insert them to the database, my NSFetchedResultsController type objects will ignore the fetchLimit. For the first one I set a fetchLimit of 10 and for the second I set a fetchLimit of 50. Initially I have 10 objects in the database. Everything is fine. After I download more 40 objects the first one also loads the more 40 objects, but it has a fetchLimit of 10.

What's wrong with this?


  • NSFetchedResultsController ignoring fetchLimit in case if it observers context changes.

    I think that it's not so simple operation to correctly update table via momc observation, when you're restricted to fetchlimit.


    So, in case if big update has been occured, you should re-fetch data.

    So you should do something like this in FRC delegate:

    - (void)controllerDidChangeContent:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller {
       [self.tableView endUpdates];
       if (bigChangesPeformed) {
         NSError * error;
         // Re-fetching to get correct fetch limit
         [self.fetchedResultsController performFetch:&error];
         if (error) {
            // bla-bla-bla
         [self.tableView reloadData];